Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gold Gold Everywhere

Surprising isn't it??? When all the stock indices are at all time low, When there is cutting down of jobs like farmers eager to trim down his produce, when the purchase power is low then who is buying gold???
Why are Gold prices touching all time high? Gold has always been "The Precious Metal" ofcourse, my husband is well aware of it, he would never venture in the gatherings where "gold' was the topic and shopping for it was totally an alien thing. But that was few years back when the metal was not that expensive. I really don't know how he will react now if i utter the "Gold"word.
I just hope this metal does not come in the category of "Only for rich" and bloggers like us can well afford it. Hope So.


  1. Actually people do buy gold during times of insecurity. During inflation when the real value of money comes - gold forms the perfect hedge. Hoarding gold or bullion is not just an Indian household mentality - Govts do stock up on Gold. During 1992 when India's forex reserves were an all time low (just a few days worth of shopping) - the Govt. had to send shiploads of Gold (literally) as a pledge against more forex. Gold, gold, gold - so now you know - when prices come down - ask your Hubby to buy you tons of the yellow earth :-)
