Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Teen Killers

This is very disturbing. I look upon my 11year old and shudder. This is what is happening in the outside world? First it was teenagers going rampant in college campus killing fellow students but that was not in India was our attitude.
We try our best to give good education, and instill good values as a resposible parent. But then where we are going wrong? Time has come where we should stop thinking 'Its not happening to us' and 'we are safe'.
We Satisfy their demand for increasingly expensive digital gadgets, take them on world tour buy them all the comfort which A,B, and C has. But do we know his likes, dislikes .
I feel there should be more communication between parents and kids.

I think time has now come to look into ourselves! and time has come now to TALK.

1 comment:

  1. ye, i believe what you say is correct. we need to communicate with our kids, instill good values.
