Friday, March 20, 2009

Because.....We Are Indians.

I would like to share this incident because I am an Indian. This actually happened to my husband who went to passport office to submit application for a new passport (he actually went short of pages). Now there is some rennovation work going on in the building ( no mention in the website....for our convinience sake ofcourse) due to which there was serpentine queue ending all the way out of the gate of the embassy.

Now no choice but to stand in the queue ( mind you its hard job unless you don't qualify in the art) numbly. My husband hates WAITING quiet punctual where time matters. But he hardly had an option. So he came to know that the security is sending peoples batchwise in the gate. Sun here was little lazy but after half an hour came in its full glory only to make the wait more worse and sweaty. After an hour a good thing happened... my husband was standing just near the gate Yipppeee! and after sometime he was the lucky one ( credit goes to securitywallah) he entered the gate. Now his heart went to all the people waiting outside the gate. Yes the gate was very important during that time. After an hour he forwarded his application to the passport officer only to find that he has to bring photocopies of his old passport. Well one thing is very good about our Indian Embassy, they have provided the photocopier machine in the embassy itself. So he went towards the copier to find that the queue here was as big as the passport queue. He has to wait in that queue for an hour till his turn came. Now his temper was rising more because of the inefficient system.

During the wait he also helped many such persons who just entered the embassy in hope that someone will help them in filling there forms, with not even a writable pen. But my husband was intelligent enough to tell someone to hold the line till his number in the photocopier queue came. And after gruelling three hours he managed to submit his application. A feeling of victory ...for sure.

My advice: If anyone going to Embassy(Indians Anywhere) please call and check any renovation work going on etc. and avoid....still can't, then please carry a foldable chair,a battery operated fan and 3-4 snacks with you. Happy Waiting.

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